Jeff Yocom
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Wayne Roberts
President & CEO - GSA678-878-7262wayne@gsateams.com
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Aaron Mickens
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Lamar Gilbert
I have been the Georgia GSA Fast Pitch Director since 2006. I appreciate all your support through the years. It's all about competitive softball regardless the playing level of your team. Keep it fun for the ***GIRLS***. Remember always talk about your ***BLESSINGS***more than you talk about your ***PROBLEMS***
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Kathy Stowers
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Ben Howze
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Ray Roberts
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Milton Johnston
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DeLacio Spencer
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Todd Gowin
Excited for the upcoming baseball and lacrosse seasons! Great tournaments and showcases heading to the west!!
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Todd McAlister
Hello. I am Todd McAlister & I am the State Director for Global Sports Authority for the great state of South Carolina. I have enjoyed sports all my life & have been involved as a player, parent of players, coach, league official, & league director before taking this position with GSA. I feel my background, education & practicle business experience has prepared me for this opportunity.
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Al Morales
I am very excited to be on board with GSA. My goal is to register every sports organization in New York State with GSA, and to support them in all their efforts. I will be working with my fellow State Directors around the country to deliver the best, most fun TOURNAMENTS in the GLOBE.Al Morales
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Bob Straub
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Fidel Perez
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Randall Gailey
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Jamie Davlin
I am glad to be working with GSA in Alabama. My goal is to bring an organization to Central and Lower Alabama that the girls and the Coaches will like.
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Stewart Ussery
At the National meeting and soaking up all the great information and ideas to help GSA "Rise Up"
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Ikie Vickery
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Mike Repine
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